Miami mommy makeover

mommy makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgeries designed to rejuvenate a woman’s body after childbirth and breastfeeding. Many mothers notice significant changes in their bodies following pregnancy: a laxity in breast tissue, a reduction in volume, excess abdominal skin and stubborn baby weight, all of which are near impossible to eliminate through dieting or exercise alone.

The aim of the makeover is to address these seemingly irreversible changes and to return a woman’s body back to its pre-pregnancy shape. The procedure looks to revitalize the areas most commonly affected by pregnancy, including the breasts, abdomen, waist, buttocks and genitalia.

The surgeries typically involved in a mommy makeover are:

  • tummy tuck,

  • liposuction; and

  • breast surgery.

All of which can be performed during a single surgical procedure. One unique advantage of this procedure is its ability to tailor to each woman’s individual needs.

While many different surgeries can be paired together. Other popular cosmetic procedures are:

From subtle enhancements like smoothening out wrinkles around the eyes, lifting and adding fullness to deflated breasts to greater transformations such as tightening stomach wall muscles, re-sculpting the vaginal region, and removing stubborn deposits of fat from troublesome areas to achieve a smoother, slimmer and more youthful look.  

The benefits of this procedure are numerous, improving not only physical appearance but also self-confidence, with many mothers reporting a momentous upsurge in psychological wellbeing as a result.

cosmetic surgeries for mother miami

What Procedures Are Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

Cosmetic surgery has come a long way in recent years, providing patients with more options than ever before. A mommy makeover is a combination of several different types of surgeries that can help mothers regain their pre-baby figures.

Patients can choose to space apart these surgeries across multiple visits. It’s more advantageous, however, to perform the surgeries all at once. This is because doing so leads to shorter recovery times as well as saving money on anesthesia fees and surgical facility costs associated with each separate procedure.

Though the surgeries in your mommy makeover are tailored to your individual needs, some of the most common surgeries involved are as follows:  


Liposuction is a popular procedure used to remove unwanted body fat from targeted areas such as the stomach, hips, thighs and buttocks – regions of the body where stubborn deposits of fat tend to collect. It’s designed to slim down and sculpt the body, and is often used in tandem with other body-contouring procedures such as a tummy tuck and breast surgery to achieve more comprehensive results.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is cosmetic surgery designed to improve the shape and tone of the tummy area. The surgery involves removing sagging, loose skin from the midsection as a result of childbirth while tightening muscles underneath for a firmer look. 

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is surgery that enhances the fullness, shape and contours of the breasts while restoring the volume lost due to breastfeeding or aging. When considering breast augmentation, mothers have the option to choose between saline and silicone implants, or even using their own fat tissue. 

Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater solution and are inserted empty, through a small incision. Once inserted, the implant is filled to the desired volume. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are pre-filled with a silicone gel that mimics the look and feel of natural breast tissue.

Breast Lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, helps to lift and reshape sagging breasts caused by aging, pregnancy, or weight loss. The surgeon removes excess skin and tightens breast tissue to raise the breasts, helping to create a youthful and perky appearance. For patients who desire a more significant restoration of their breast volume, a breast lift can be combined with augmentation.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Procedure?

An ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover is someone who is well-informed and has realistic expectations. It’s also important that they are in good physical and emotional health, have reached or is near their ideal body weight, and has no plans to have children again.

They should have given birth and stopped breastfeeding at least six months ago. They should also not smoke or drink excessively.

Preparing for Your Mommy Makeover Surgery

Before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery, it is recommended that patients consult with their physician about their health and any pre-existing conditions they may have so they can make an informed choice. It's important to understand the risks and benefits and be realistic about what kind of results can be expected from the procedure.

Patients should discuss their goals with their surgeon and ask questions if something is unclear or not fully understood.

It’s also strongly advised that patients avoid smoking or drinking alcohol at least several weeks prior to surgery since these activities can slow down healing time following the procedure.

Aftercare and Recovery Time

Aftercare and recovery time following a mommy makeover are essential to ensure the best results. It is important for patients to take care of themselves properly in order to get the most out of their procedure. T

he amount of downtime required varies depending on the individual’s body type, but generally ranges from two weeks up to six weeks for full recovery. Some recommendations for aiding your recovery include:

  • Take Time off from Work -Make sure to take time off from work to rest and avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting, for at least six weeks. Strenuous activities can cause complications and prolong the recovery process.

  • Walk - It’s important to move your body following surgery to avoid complications. Walking is a great example of light physical exercise that doesn’t place too much demand on the body. Going for a daily walk in the sun can be a great physical and mental boost during recovery.

  • Wear Compression Garments - Wearing compression garments can help reduce swelling and bruising after surgery, while also helping to shape the body during the healing process. They are a created to support the affected skin’s healing. They should only exert a gentle pressure and lay flat on the skin. Bear in the mind not to set your garment too tight, otherwise it will hinder circulation.

  • Stay Hydrated and Eat Well - Drinking plenty of water is vital for a smooth recovery. Staying hydrated flushes out toxins from the body, speeds up the healing process, and reduces the risk of developing complications. Likewise, make sure to treat yourself and nourish your body with healthy, nutritious and wholesome meals.

  • Don't Smoke - Smoking can significantly impact the recovery process by slowing it down. Nicotine reduces blood flow to the surgical areas and inhibits oxygen from reaching the tissues, which can cause complications. Patients need to stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to surgery to mitigate any impact on recovery.

cosmetic surgery for mothers

Possible Risks of a Mommy Makeover

Although the Mommy Makeover is a very safe procedure and most patients fully recover without any complications. Like any surgical procedure, however, it does come with its own potential risks and side-effects, which include:

  • Infection

  • Bleeding

  • Scarring

  • Blood or fluid accumulation beneath the skin

Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of your procedure during the consultation. All procedures are performed as efficiently and safely as possible, and patients are constantly monitored throughout surgery.

Following pre- and post-surgical instructions carefully can also help reduce the risk of complications. This may include avoiding certain medications or foods, as well as following proper wound care instructions.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost in Miami?

The total cost of a mommy makeover in Miami can cost anywhere from $15,000 up to $30,000. The price depends on the procedures chosen and will also vary according to the hourly rate of the operating room plus fees for anesthesia and implants if applicable.

There may be additional charges associated with pre-operative lab work or post-operative follow up visits.

mommy makeover miami

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A Mommy Makeover can take anywhere from three to six hours to complete. Surgery time depends upon the procedures chosen. If it happens that the operation is estimated to take over six hours, it may be recommended to stagger the surgeries across several surgeries.

  • While the procedure itself is not painful due to the use of general anesthesia, there can be discomfort during the recovery period. Understanding what to expect and how to manage discomfort can help to alleviate anxiety and make the recovery process more comfortable.

    During the recovery period of a Mommy Makeover, patients can expect to feel some level of discomfort, tenderness, and swelling. While the level of pain varies from person to person and depends on the type of procedure performed, prescription pain medication is often recommended to help ease any pain and tenderness.

  • Post-operation swelling is a normal part of the healing process and varies depending on the individual's recovery timeline and the procedures performed. Patients can expect swelling to peak around three to five days post-op. From there, gradual improvement should be seen with most swelling subsiding by the second or third week. Bear in mind, some swelling may persist for several months.

    Each procedure comes with its own typical swelling pattern. Tummy tucks often involve the most significant swelling, which is most noticeable in the lower abdominal area. This swelling can also extend to the pubic area and hips. Breast surgery, on the other hand, can cause swelling and tightness in the chest area, with the most significant swelling usually occurring around the second or third day after the procedure. Liposuction swelling typically subsides the quickest, with most swelling resolving in the first week after the procedure.

  • Unfortunately, in most cases, mommy makeovers are considered elective and are not covered under traditional health insurance plans. Health insurance coverage for cosmetic surgery is limited and often depends on several factors such as the type of procedure, medical necessity, and insurance provider. Generally, health insurance only covers surgery that is deemed medically necessary to treat an existing medical condition or injury.

  • It’s unavoidable that incisions will leave scars, as this is how the skin repairs itself. However, your surgeon will expertly place your incision so that the resultant scars are minimal and concealed nicely in the natural creases of the skin.

    The scars may appear as thin, straight lines, or they may be more visible and slightly raised. The incisions involved in breast surgery are typically located around the areola or along the breast fold. For a tummy tuck, a horizontal incision is made along the lower abdomen, resulting in a longer scar that may be red or pink for several months.

  • A mommy makeover does not affect your ability to conceive, and it does nothing to harm you or your baby if you become pregnant after the procedure. That being said, if you’re currently at the stage where you’re planning on having more children in the future, it’s best to wait until after you’ve finished having children. While the surgery helps to restore your pre-baby body, the results can easily be compromised by the bodily changes that will occur in pregnancies post-op.


[1] Combined Breast Surgery and Abdominoplasty Strategies for Success. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

[2] Strategies for Aesthetic Reshaping of the Postpartum Patient. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

[3] The Mommy Makeover Package. Journal of Ethics.

Plastic surgery procedures





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