denver nerve surgery

While at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Kachniarz trained alongside pioneers in the field of peripheral nerve surgery, including Dr. A. Lee Dellon. He has published his research in scientific literature and presented on the topic at national conferences.

Dr. Kachniarz has received extensive training in peripheral nerve surgery throughout the body, including in procedures performed by only a handful of surgeons around the world. He is passionate about bringing relief to patients with debilitating peripheral nerve pain conditions. 

We are excited to offer the latest techniques in peripheral nerve surgery to our patients - please give our office a call at our Miami office to discuss your specific needs.  

Nerve Surgery

Migraine surgery

Occipital neuralgia (“Migraine surgery”)

Nerve compression syndromes, such as occipital neuralgia, are a common trigger of chronic headaches. If you have frequent headaches and have been diagnosed with a possible nerve compression by a neurologist, you may benefit from nerve release surgery.

Neuroma pain after surgery or trauma

Trauma or surgery may sometimes lead to damaged nerve endings and formation of a neuroma. If you are experiencing “zapping,” shooting pain, you may benefit from some of the latest techniques in management of neuroma-related pain.

meralgia paresthetica release surgery

meralgia paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is caused by impingement of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. If you are experiencing numbness, tingling, or shooting pain along the lateral thigh, you may benefit from release of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.

Sciatica and piriformis syndrome

Sciatica pain may be caused by impingement by the piriformis muscle within the deep gluteal space. If you have been diagnosed with piriformis syndrome, you may be a candidate for piriformis muscle resection to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.

surgery for chronic pain

chronic joint pain

We offer joint denervation for patients with chronic joint pain who have exhausted all structural orthopaedic surgery options. Commonly treated conditions include thumb, wrist, and knee pain. If you continue to have debilitating joint pain after exhausting all orthopaedic surgery options, you may benefit from a joint denervation procedure.

Sitting pain

Trauma or inflammation around the “sit bone” area, commonly from cycling, falls, or hamstring tears, may lead to scarring along the ischium bone. The inflammation may impinge on the neighboring posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. If you have pain with sitting that radiates down the back of the thigh, you may benefit from release surgery.

compression pain surgery

nerve compression syndromes

We offer treatment of peripheral nerve compression syndromes, including upper and lower extremity nerve release. If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, tarsal tunnel, peroneal nerve compression, or other nerve compression syndrome, you may be a candidate for nerve release surgery.

The cluneal nerves may become entrapped along the buttock region causing deep shooting pain, often mimicking lower back pain. We offer cluneal nerve release surgery for patients diagnosed with cluneal nerve compression by a spine surgeon.

cluneal nerve pain

Connect with us for a consultation

What to expect during your consultation

1. Get to know Dr. Bart Kachniarz

2. Discuss what you are looking for.

3. Learn more about what we can provide.

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