
Are you looking for a more youthful and refreshed looking face? As we age, the facial skin and muscles begin to sag and crease. If this makes you feel self-conscious or unhappy about your appearance, a facelift may be just the right solution for you.

But what does a facelift entail and how can it improve your appearance?

A facelift is a type of cosmetic surgery that helps create a more youthful and attractive facial appearance. It improves the look of your face and neck by removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissues. A facelift plastic surgery procedure can be used to reduce wrinkles, tighten sagging skin on the cheeks or jowls, and remove double chins or excess fat in the neck area.

In this article we explain everything you need to know about facelifts, including their benefits and any potential risks. We will also explore the different types of facelifts, what the procedure entails, and practical information about preparing for the surgery, recovery time, results, and costs.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift surgery, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can help improve the overall appearance of an individual's facial features. The procedure involves removing excess skin, fat, and tissue from areas around the eyes, cheeks, chin, and jawline to create a smoother and more youthful look. It can also be used to reduce wrinkles or fine lines near the mouth. In addition to helping individuals achieve a more youthful appearance, a facelift can also address sagging jowls caused by age-related changes in the skin’s elasticity.

A neck-lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a closely related procedure. Many opt to include a neck-lift along with their facelift. Depending on your desired results, you may need one or both procedures. A facelift focuses mostly on treating wrinkles around the eyes, cheeks, and mouth while a neck lift aims mainly at eliminating sagging skin from underneath your chin down through your jawline. Often, the blanket term “facelift” is used to describe both a facelift and neck-lift together.

face lift miami

Types of Facelift Procedures

There are various types of facelift cosmetic surgery procedures, each with their own aims, techniques, costs, and effectiveness. We will explore the most common types:


A “mini-facelift" is an outpatient procedure which targets the lower third of the face and upper neck. A mini facelift procedure is a good option for those who want to address mild sagging in their mid-face and jowls without undergoing a full facelift. It primarily targets:

  • Jowls

  • Facial creases from the nose to the mouth

  • Lack of jaw definition

  • Sagging cheeks

  • Lax upper neck skin and tissue

The procedure utilizes smaller incisions, and results in less bruising and other side-effects, as well as a shorter recovery time.

It is a popular choice for middle-aged individuals who do not have extreme skin laxity. It is quite common for those who undergo this procedure to eventually opt for a full facelift later in life to address more significant changes with aging. 

The benefits of undergoing a mini-facelift include a more youthful appearance, improved facial definition, and increased self-confidence. 


A “mid-facelift” targets sagging cheeks and provides subtle yet long-lasting results for those who are not yet experiencing neck banding or jowling. 

The mid-facelift procedure is performed by repositioning the sagging soft tissues with a cheek lift, including the fat pads and muscles. The goal is to elevate the midface, creating a more youthful and naturally pleasing appearance.

When performing the mid-facelift, Dr. Kachniarz makes small incisions that are hidden within the natural creases of your face which results in minimal scarring. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can expect a shorter recovery time than with a traditional facelift.

A mid-facelift strikes an ideal balance between non-surgical facial improvement procedures and the extensiveness of a full facelift. It is a conservative approach with a commitment to natural-looking and effective results. Due to its less invasive nature, a mid-facelift can help you achieve a youthful appearance with minimal scarring and downtime.

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is aimed at providing significant solutions to mid-face drooping, jowls, and deep nasolabial folds. It differs from traditional facelift surgery techniques in that it targets deeper layers of the facial structure by repositioning the underlying tissues and ligaments. 

During the procedure, the surgeon creates tension-free releasing incisions around the ear to allow for access to the deeper layers of the face. The surgeon then repositions the tissue and muscles to provide longer-lasting results, with a more natural and youthful appearance.

Deep plane facelifts are the best option for patients who have substantial jowls or loss of mid-face volume. It also targets the nasolabial folds, which are the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth, creating a more defined jawline and smoother overall appearance. The technique allows for tighter skin in the treated area and the ability to contour the face more precisely than traditional facelift techniques.

The longer-lasting and more natural-looking results of the deep plane facelift make it a popular choice among patients. Even though it is a deeper procedure than a traditional facelift, it results in less trauma to the outer layer of the skin and therefore a speedier recovery process. It also results in softer and more natural results, and is the preferred facelift technique by Dr. Kachniarz.

What are the Benefits of a Facelift Surgery?

The main benefit of having a facelift procedure is that it can quickly give you a younger, more refreshed look. Specifically, a facelift surgery can:

  • Reduce sagging skin on your face and/or neck,

  • Improve contours around your eyes,

  • Make your jawline and cheeks more defined,

  • Diminish wrinkles and lines around the mouth.

Some other benefits of having a facelift include:

  • Long-lasting improvement in appearance, with many patients reporting improved results for 10 - 15 years after their initial treatment.

  • Restores facial volume that has been lost over time due to aging or weight loss.

  • Helps create an overall balanced facial structure which gives a natural look without looking overdone.

  • Restores your self-confidence and therefore leads to greater emotional well-being.

  • Facelifts are fully customizable due to the various types available, so you can tailor your facelift procedure according to your specific goals.

woman with great complextion

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

As one ages, the face changes due to a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as a lowering in facial fat distribution. You may be the right candidate for a facelift if you have experienced any of the following age-related facial changes:

  • Loose skin on the face and neck,

  • Deep facial and neck wrinkles,

  • Sagging in the lower face along with the development of jowls,

  • Loss of facial muscle tone and definition,

  • An overall look of being tired and worn out.

Generally, people under the age of forty or fifty prefer minimally invasive procedures such as dermal fillers and/or injectables to improve their facial appearance. However, those older than fifty usually get the best results with a facelift. Typically, a good candidate is also in good overall health, doesn't smoke, and has realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

There are many different forms of facial rejuvenation procedures with a facelift being only one cosmetic procedure. There are both surgical and non-surgical techniques.

For instance, while a facelift mainly addresses skin laxity and wrinkles, many patients who experience the loss of fat volume in the face can undergo a facial fat transfer that takes fat from other parts of the body to restore lost fullness in the face.

Other commonly used plastic surgery facial rejuvenation procedures can include, eyelid surgery, neck lift, brow lift, and facial fat transfer.

To determine if you're a good candidate for a facelift and which treatment options are best suited for your goals, it's important to schedule a consultation with a facelift surgeon like Dr. Kachniarz. During the consultation, he will assess your health history, skin condition, and overall facial structure to determine the best approach for your unique concerns.

With his expertise in cutting edge surgical techniques, Dr. Kachniarz can help you achieve your desired goals while ensuring a safe and successful procedure.

woman smiling with clear face

What are the Risks?

A facelift performed by an expert surgeon is a relatively low-risk procedure. However, it is still important to be aware of the risks of minor complications. Long-term or permanent complications are very rare but should still be mentioned and understood by the patient. Some of the risks include:

  • Bruising and swelling, which usually subsides within the first few weeks.

  • As with any surgical procedure, there is always the risk of infection, nerve damage and scarring. These risks can be minimized by following proper hygiene precautions and all other pre- and post-operative care instructions given to you by your surgeon.

  • Hematoma, which is a collection of blood under the skin, is another potential complication of a facelift; it is easily treatable but may require a brief surgical procedure. 

  • Other less common risks such as hair and/or skin loss.

Major complication rates for facelifts are relatively low when performed in trained hands. Paying heed to all post-operative recovery instructions such as frequent head elevation to reduce swelling, sufficient rest, consuming healthy foods, drinking lots of fluids and avoiding any activities that might strain your neck are crucial for successful outcomes with minimum complications.

Preparation for Surgery

The first step in preparing for a facelift is to research the procedure thoroughly and schedule your initial consultation with a surgeon. During the consultation you will be able to ask your surgeon questions about what to expect before, during, and after surgery. Dr. Kachniarz will help you decide whether the procedure is right for you and specifically which type of facelift you should look to have. The initial consultation will also include:

  • A full medical history and a physical exam.

  • A medication review, in which you should let your surgeon know which medications you are taking on a regular basis.

  • A facial exam, during which time your surgeon will take photos of your face and examine its features carefully. The exam will help to decide on the best type of facelift and the appropriate approach for your situation. 

  • Questions about what your expectations are from the facelift, as well as an explanation about how the facelift is likely to change your appearance, and what can realistically be achieved with this procedure. 

Before undergoing the actual procedure, you will have to prepare both mentally and physically in the following ways:

  • Ensure that you are in good physical health. This includes eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol.

  • Your physician may recommend certain tests prior to your operation such as bloodwork or imaging scans depending on what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure.

  • Avoid eating anything beginning from the night before your facelift. You will still be able to drink water and take medications which have been approved by your surgeon. 

  • Wash your hair and face with a germicidal soap given to you the morning of the surgery. 

  • Ensure there will be someone who can provide care for you following surgery. This could be a family member who is able to assist with post-operative activities such as dressing changes, driving, or going out for walks.

rhytidectomy miami

Procedure Details

The exact details of the procedure depend on the type of facelift and your specific needs. During a traditional facelift, an incision is made along the hairline near each ear extending around the behind the ear.

The surgeon then separates layers of facial tissue so they can tighten underlying muscles with small stitches; once done they will re-drape the skin over these areas for a firm natural appearance. The excess skin is then removed, and the incisions are carefully sutured closed. The exact procedure and incision site differs for other types of facelifts.

The surgery itself usually takes several hours depending on the type of facelift being performed, as well as how much work needs to be done to achieve the desired results. The procedure is often performed with the aid of general anesthesia, but local anesthesia may be used for more minor treatments. 

Aftercare and Recovery

It is important to take the time to properly recover after the procedure. During the initial period, you may experience the following:

  • Mild to moderate pain

  • Drainage from the incisions

  • Swelling, bruising, and numbness

To ensure that recovery goes as smoothly as possible, there are certain aftercare tips that should be followed. These include:

  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping to reduce swelling and discomfort around the incision sites. 

  • Avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting for at least two weeks following the procedure.

  • Ensure that you get plenty of rest and sleep.

  • Take pain medication or any other treatments recommended by your surgeon.

  • Applying cold compresses on swollen areas can help reduce inflammation quickly; however, these should only be used intermittently throughout the day according to your surgeon’s instructions.

You will also be asked to come for regular check-ups with your surgeon during the two months post-surgery, which helps ensure that you are healing correctly, and that the procedure is giving the desired results. You may additionally be asked to come for later visits to monitor your progress over a longer time-scale.

smoothing wrinkles on the face of an older woman

How Much Does a Facelift Cost in Miami?

A facelift in Miami can cost anywhere from $5,000 up to $20,000 or more for more complex procedures. The procedure can range in price depending on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the surgery, as well as any additional procedures that may be required along with the facelift.

Belcerna Plastic Surgery was intentionally designed by Dr. Bart Kachniarz to deliver the most cutting-edge technology and world class surgical skills at competitive prices. 

Feel free to book a consultation today and we can discuss your needs in more detail, as well as answer any questions you have about facelifts and the costs involved.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

  • Yes, it is quite normal to combine facelifts with other cosmetic procedures such as neck lifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgery. If you're looking to enhance your facial appearance, a facelift can provide you with the desired results, however, sometimes a facelift alone might not give you the look you're hoping for, in which case it is worth considering a more integrated treatment plan.

  • One of the biggest concerns for people considering a facelift is the visibility of scars after the procedure. However, experienced plastic surgeons like Dr. Kachniarz know the importance of carefully placing incisions in strategic locations to minimize the appearance of scars. These incisions are usually made within the hairline or along the natural creases of the face where they can be easily hidden.

  • Yes, a facelift procedure can significantly improve the appearance of saggy tissue and skin laxity, restoring a more youthful appearance. The procedure involves tightening the deeper layers of tissue in the face, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and ultimately making the skin firmer and younger looking.

  • A non-surgical facelift is a minimally invasive procedure that enhances facial appearance without the need for major surgery. This procedure typically involves injectable fillers or fat transfer which can restore facial volume and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

    A non-surgical facelift can complement a traditional facelift by targeting facial concerns that can't be treated surgically. For example, a traditional facelift can address sagging skin and excess fat, but a non-surgical facelift can restore lost volume and improve skin texture. This approach can provide a more comprehensive solution to achieving a desired youthful appearance.


[1] Facelifts: A Contemporary Perspective. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6188335/

[2] Facelift: Planning and Technique. Science Direct. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0094129820310658

Plastic surgery procedures





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